- Try new things. We all appreciate a different approach. Even a failed lesson is a learning experience.
- Make content relevant. Keep in mind that we are preparing students for life beyond school, not simply the next grade level.
- Use tech to your advantage. Students, you should be doing most of the work. Teachers, use tech to ensure your students are working harder than you and to increase your efficiency.
- Focus on relationships. Teachers, you may be the only consistent adult in a student's life. And yes students, your teachers are human just like you.
- Practice a growth mindset. We CAN get smarter. You have to believe this with every fiber of your being.
- Look beyond your classroom. Connect with educators and students from other places and learn from each other. Give your students a wider audience to showcase their work.
It has been an absolute privilege to teach and learn with you these past 16 years. Thank you for your guidance, support, and collaboration. Stay connected!