March 10th
Jim Balotta, Jen Bengele, Gabe Caudill, Sheila Greene, Brian Hayes, Bonnie Meyer
Recent PD
- Shared BrainHoney to Schoology tutorial with principals
- AV/VR Sandbox construction?
- Geospatial software for geospatial technology (Shawn Bergman is working on making it web-based) K-12 applicable (Tracy from ODE)
- Digital newsletters (Rocky River does a district-wide digital newsletter); broadcast cart to film student announcements; Brian Zeller does a digital newscast
- Flippity - turn slides into flashcards
- Coding options - Kodu
- Mobile free apps - Officelens, One Note
- Raspberry Pi build own smartphone or tablet
- Science+Math Think-In at ideastream (Bengele, Beursken, Browne, Hayes, Hughes, Kacur, Meyer, Molenaar, Olsen)
- Simple and practical ideas - scratch jr. & PBSkids iPad apps for B.Hayes, inquiry science for 7th & 8th grades for Janelle Molenaar from Midview Schools, StarLab certification and lesson plans from CMNH for Jen Bengele, PBSlearning Science and growth mindset presentation from Bonnie Meyer
- Jen attended NOECA Tech Integration Network meeting; great idea for a staff training on apps and how they relate to rigor and relevance framework
- PD on Growth Mindset for entire staff, parents, possibly in the fall
- Title I parent meeting on Growth Mindset
- Title I school districts get free admission to Great Lakes Science Center, aquarium?
- Other?
Future PD
- EHOVE’s Tech Summit Tues. March 21
- Jen presenting BreakoutEDU lessons
- LEAD conference needs presenters June 13-14, 2017
- EdCamp March 18th - Bonnie, Jen, Lisa D.
- Our #VLSD chat Monday night 3/13 at 8pm about STEM integration
Program Discussions
- Progress Monitoring programs - recap Aimsweb vs. AR meeting
- Possible streamlining of program usage?
- Planning for next year? Future PD?
- Thurs. 3/16 VES staff meeting 8am
Device Discussions
- Needs for next year? Additional devices at VES? SMS? VHS?
- WiFi availability to all areas in Vermilion (set up a hotspot in various areas); students able to take home devices they are unable to use; other option by Sprint
- HTC Vive at SMS, needs to be calibrated but all equipment is ready to go
- Old computers to take apart
Makerspace/Tinkering Programs
- VHS space in library next year
- Bring VES classes over to VHS; have VHS students teach VES classes
- Camp Invention (1-2 weeks) - possible teachers Brian Hayes, Mike Kacur,
- Invention Project (10 sessions) - possible teachers Gabe Caudill,
- Open both summer experiences to all district teachers in Vermilion
For next time . . .
Staff/Student Programs:
- Explore Odyssey and Fuel Education
- GradPoint - do a student survey to assess curriculum
- Send out survey about program needs? Survey for program usage;
- Stats for AR - Bonnie Meyer
- Stats for Sumdog - Brian Hayes