At VLSD, grades K-7, we use the MAP tests to measure a student's growth in math and reading 3 times throughout the year, in fall, winter and spring. We have just recently completed our winter testing term for the 2016-2017 school year. The Northwest Evaluation Association, or NWEA developed these Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) to aid teachers in personalizing learning for each student. The results of these assessments provide teachers a list of the specific skills a student is ready to learn and are instrumental to goal-setting. After taking the MAP, teachers will conference with each student about his or her data, where he or she would like to see themselves by the end of the year, and what actions he or she needs to take to reach their goal.
Recently, NWEA completed a data correlation report with the Ohio State Assessments which will now help us predict how our students will perform on the AIR tests based on their MAP data. The correlations between the 2 assessments are shown below are are based on Winter MAP scores.
Winter MAP reading correlation with Ohio ELA AIR Test |
Winter MAP math correlation with Ohio Math AIR Test |
Linking the Ohio State Assessments to NWEA MAP Tests can be located in its entirety at
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