I have acquired 2 View Masters allowing students to engage in Virtual Reality (VR) learning experiences. All you need is a viewer, a smart phone (usually a 5 or later depending on model), and VR apps, most of which are free. Below is a listing of the VR apps I have found categorized by topic. Click on the hyperlinks for a description of each app. If you are interested in using these with your students or finding a VR experience that suits your curriculum, please contact me and we will set it up.
WWII Dog Fight Simulation
Mausoleum of Helena
View-Master Destinations (Acropolis, London, and Chichen Itza)
Ancient Egypt (multiple available apps)
Colosseum (in Cool Tour app)
War of Words (also could be a literature experience)
In the Cell
In the Brain
Liftoff (SpaceX Simulation)
Discovery (Let's Go Places, Mythbusters, Secret Space Escapes, Wildlife, Survivorman, Planet, etc.)
Flight Simulators
Driving Simulators
Jaunt (variety of content, including news events, such as Syria)
Unimersiv (variety of content)
Orbulus (variety of places)
Star Wars
Art Gallery